In the meantime use CATEGORIES and SEARCH

The courses being assembled here all have  a core ‘engine’ – concern for deepening our sense of what it is to be human.


“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are

directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical

existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” (Albert Einstein)


THE 4Cs as a model for deepening what it is to be human – and to combat de-humanization

Essentially we are human because of our;

Caring (Humanities)

Our Creativity (Arts)

and our Criticality (Philosophy and Sciences)

and because we do these things in Communities

Therefore  the chief concern of parents, teacher, managers and personal developers is nurturing an appropriately balanced flow of the human spirit so that the child, pupil, employee or ‘self’ ends up with a set of desireable qualities, attributes, virtues and skills.

That’s it.

Here it is in a diagram;

At the centre of all problems is insufficient humanization
At the centre of all problems is insufficient humanization

The outer ring concerns the social and interpersonal.

The rest is a way of representing our inner dynamics of consciousness as we engage – with each other, the world or our self.

We engage with either an ‘I’ voice (subjective-creative), the ‘We’ voice (caring-other-centred) or ‘IT’ voice (objective, as in philosophy or the scientific)

All three ways of engaging are means to knowledge and reality.

In the meantime use CATEGORIES and SEARCH on the site to access 400 plus articles from 80,000 words to single sentence posts, from high seriousness to silly humour!

To read more deeply my PhD dissertation is HERE
